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成绩单中的课程中文名称: 毕业设计(论文)

成绩单翻译英文课程名称:Graduation Design (thesis)



毕业设计(论文)安排在第四学年春季学期进行,为期 15 周,需要通过开题检查、中期检查、毕业答辩等各个环节的过程管理,每个环节都要经历答辩且答辩以公开方式进行。另外,毕业设计的工作量、论文及图纸必须满足《哈尔滨工业大学本科生毕业设计(论文)的规定和撰写规范》要求。

Course Description:

The graduation design (thesis) is an important task for undergraduate students to improve their comprehensive abilities and professional skills to solve engineering technical issues. At the beginning of Spring Semester of the senior year, each of students gets the thesis’s title from his/her academic advisor, and then starts to work on it for 18 weeks. During this period, a student must pass three times of public oral examinations, including thesis proposal, medium-term inspection and thesis defense. The thesis work usually involves a few processes of literature search and review, project design, theoretical and simulation analysis, experiment and data processing, thesis writing and so on. The thesis is required to satisfy the rules on content and format of undergraduate graduate thesis of Harbin Institute of Technology.

DSP 电力参数测量技术课程中英文翻译简介

成绩单中的课程中文名称:DSP 电力参数测量技术

成绩单翻译英文课程名称:Technique of Power Parameters Measurement Based on DSP


本课程是在学习 “嵌入式系统原理及应用” 课程基础上,讲授 DSP  应用系统设计方法以及基本电力参数(电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数、电能)的检测算法。本课程实验学时比重大,侧重培养学生实际操作能力,包括仿真开发工具的使用、TMS320F2812 应用系统的调试、基本电力参数计算的程序设计与调试等。通过该课程可以使学生具备 DSP 应用系统的设计与开发能力,为将来从事相关工作打下基础。

Course Description:

Based on the foregoing course “The Principle and Application of Embedded System”, this course focuses on the approaches of the designing a DSP application system and the algorithm of the detection of basic power parameters (voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor, energy and  harmonic waves). This course emphasizes on experiments, aiming at the development of students’ practical capabilities, including the use of IDE, debugging of TMS320F2812 application system, programming and debugging on the calculation of basic power parameters. This course provides students with both designing and developing capabilities in DSP application system, and thereby lays the foundation in their future careers.



