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成绩单英文课程名:Understanding of Cultural Heritage

建筑发展趋向:Architecture in the Future

建筑的文化理解:Cultural Learning on Architecture

建筑节能导论:Introduction to Energy Saving in Building

建筑技术概论:Introduction to Building Technology

建筑热环境:Thermal Environment of Buildings

建筑光环境:Luminous Environment in Architecture

建筑师业务基础知识:Professional Knowledge for Architects

中国古代建筑史纲:History of Chinese Classical Architecture

专业外语阅读:Specialty Reading in English

建筑声环境:Architecture Acoustic

外国近现代建筑史纲:History of World Modern Architecture

  外国古代建筑史纲:History of World Ancient Architecture

西方古典建筑理论:Theories of Western Classic Architecture

城市规划原理:Principles of Urban Planning

  建筑美术:Architectural Fine Arts

建筑数学:Achitectural mathematics

生态建筑设计策略导论:Introduction to Ecological Architecture Design Strategy

建筑设计方法概论:Introduction on Architectural Design Methods

城市设计概论:Introduction to Urban Design

CAAD 方法:Computer Aided Architectural Design Method

建筑构造:Architectural Construction

人居科学基础:A Brief Introduction of Human Settlements Sciences

CAAD 实习:CAAD Practical Course

中国执业建筑师的专业素养:Professionalism of Chinese practicing architects

中国古代建筑理论概说:Outline of Theories of Ancient Chinese Architecture

建筑设计:Architectural Design Studio Part one

理性建筑:Rational Architecture

传统民居与乡土建筑:Traditional Dwellings and Vernacular Architecture

  形态构成:Form Composition

房屋建筑学:Architecture Design and Construction

古建测绘实习:Surveying and Drawing of Ancient Buildings

建筑师业务实践:Design Practice in Institute

城市设计:Urban Design

中国近代建筑史:History of Contemporary Chinese Architecture

城市规划理论与实践:Theory and Practice of Urban Planning

生态建筑学概论:Principles of Ecological Architecture

综合论文训练:Diploma Project(Thesis)

城市交通与道路系统规划基础:Base of the planning of Urban Traffic and Road System

当代建筑设计理论:The Theories on Contemporary Architectrual Design

住区规划与住宅设计:Residential Planning and Housing Design

设计专题:Design Studio

建筑测量学实习:Practice of Architecture Surveying

建筑.城市.景观设计:Design of Architecture.Urban.Landscape

当代建筑设计思潮:New concept in contemporary Architecture

空间信息技术导论:Introduction to Spatial Information Technology

房地产概论:Real State Introduction

建筑设计概论:Introduction to Architectural Design

中国古代城市营建史概论:History of Ancient Chinese City Planning and Construction

工地劳动及调研实习:Practice on Construction Site

建筑设计原理:Principle of Architectural Design

建筑设计基础:Basic of Architectural Design

乡土建筑学:Vernacular Architecture

建筑色彩设计:Architecture Color Design

造型艺术鉴赏:Appreciation of Plastic Arts

公共雕塑艺术:Public sculpture

建造实习:Building Practice

建筑细部设计:Architecture Detailing with thoughts on combination of art and technique

风景园林学导论:An Intruduction to Landscape Architecture




