掌提中英文译文的对比分析能力,有助于分析对比两种语言文化方面的差异,更好地运用翻译理论去指导实践,只停留在对语言词句的理解上是不够的。词汇不能从整体上反映文化的特质,即场景、事件、人物、 叙事风格、文化心理等要素。
Although they lived in style, they felt always an anxiety in the house. There was never enough money. The mother had a small income, and the father had a small income,but not nearly enough for the social position which they had to keep up. The father went into town to some ofice. But though he had good prospects, these prospects never materialized.
Likely his father had alredy aranged to make a crop on another farm befre he ...Again he had to stop himself. He (the father) aiways did. There was something about his wolf-like independence and even courage when the advantage was at least neutral whichi impresed stagrs, as if lhey got from his latent ravening ferocity not so much a sense of dependablit as a fecling that his ferocious conviction in the rightmesss of his own actions would be of advanage to all whose nterest lay with his.
很可能父亲早有安排,去另一个衣场租-熟庄... 他只好不再去想它了。他(父亲)就是这样,独行独往,就像一只野狼,在事情成败难料时,不露声色拼死一搏,甚至可以说有股勇气,这些都给陌生人留下了深刻的印象;他身上似乎隐伏着一种饿虎扑羊般的勇猛,这使他们似乎感到,与其说他可靠,倒不如说由于他坚信自己的行为天经地义,所以会给所有与他的利益息息相关的人带来好处。